


Friday, March 23, 2012

Post-Trip Tidbits

Since home, I have read: Rabinal Achi & The Popol Vu (Mayan Book of Creation)  - moving into the mythology of the Mayan world.  I feel inspir

ed and connected back into our trip......I have also been working obsessively on creating a slide show of our journey.  It's almost done.  We have shown it a few times already, but need to put in a few final touches with our housemate Phil's help.

Hummingbird in Mayan is Tz'unum.  Note similarity to Hebrew: Tz'vuv.  Hummingbirds are thought to be the souls of dead warriors.  So before captives were put to death they were given a Hummingbird drink - not sure what it was.
Atole is the corn gruel we drank in Rabenal.
Jan. 25 is the Fiesta of the Conversion of St. Paul and the confraternity is of St. Sebastian.

What else?  Let us know if you want to see the slide show!

Yehudah is already gotten books about Southeast Asia out of the library while I am still working on the slideshow from this past trip.  Opposite ends of the spectrum, but I suppose December 2012 is only 9 months from now!

I am also working on the slide show for a presentation about Aso-Fenix & El Jocote with the Havurah group April 20th.  Lots of great photos from everyone.