


Saturday, March 30, 2013

It's Spring! Hike up Angel's Rest 2013 - March 29th

Hike up Angel's Rest - It's officially Springtime!
2.3 miles up - 2.3 miles down!
1500 foot elevation gain

Coopey Falls

Trillium were out in force!

Coast Toothwort

Bleeding Hearts

Sedum ?

Red flowering Currant

Oregon Grape

Silver Star Mt. across the Columbia in Washington

Toothwort (close up)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

11-Day Oregon Road Trip: March 7-17, 2013

We have been on an 11-day Oregon Road Trip, March 7-17, 2013

Here's our itinerary:
Day 1: Eugene, stay at friend's house, Michael Carrigan, Jain Elliot and Sue Barnhart
            Post-dinner visit with Eva Murtaugh - took Eva to a noodle restaurant after her yoga class.

Day 2: Drove up to Odell Lodge, Willamette Pass, for weekend for Spring Skiing
            Stop: McCredie Hot Springs - wow, gorgeous, warm, sunny and only 1 other person there!
            Cross-country skiied at Odell Lodge
            We made dinner, shared with Michael, Sue, Jain, Jyoti and friend
             Photos below from Jain's Facebook Page.  See: Photo of Joanie & Jain

Day 3: Snowshoed on the Fern Lake Trail 
Sue comin' down the hill!

David and Cathy


perfect snow for snowmen & snowballs

 Visit with Cabin 12 to celebrate Michael's birthday!

Day 4: Last chance - skied around Odell Lodge trails, focusing on off-trail skiing through trees then drove south to Tule Lake

Day 5: Birdwatching at Tule Lake
Red-winged Blackbird

trying out the new binocs


photo blind - reservations only

Two Bald Eagles facing off

Harriers were too fast to photograph, but we did see a few hunting in the marsh.

X marks the spot
gorgeous skies

Mt. Shasta


Lava Beds National Monument: Captain Jack's Stronghold - Modoc Indians held out for 50 days in the winter of 1872-73, under seige by Army. Considered the most expensive Indian battle. PBS just did a special on the Modoc War. All they wanted was to return home! 

not much cover for approaching soldiers

not too comfy

Medicine Pole

Coyote was here!

Toilet paper roll at Pappy Gander's
sign on the front door said save farms fill in the lake,
but there was a poster of all the duck species.
Can't have it both ways, guys!

Day 6: Early morning birdwatching at Lower Klamath Lake - saw 2 Red-Tailed Hawks and a Golden Eagle before heading over OR 66 (the Greensprings) to the Rogue Valley.

           Arrive in Ashland in time for Taming of the Shrew (7 minutes before curtain!)
            Evening: My Fair Lady

Day 7: Down time at Ruth Resch's Air BnB
             Matinee: Two Trains Running
 Walk around Lithia Park and dinner at Sesame Asian Kitchen overlooking the Park
             Evening: King Lear

 Day 8: Hike up Upper Table Rock, north of Medford - Early Wildflowers!
Mt. McLoughlin - 9,495'

Pacific Madrone

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Grass Widows were all over the top of the plateau

Hounds Tongue about to bloom

Nice minature rock garden

Manzanita in bloom

Grass Widows

flowers pose for Joanie
Cluster Lily about to bloom

Mt. McLouglin is a perfect cone on all sides now that we saw
it from the Klamath side.


Then on to Grants Pass - Dinner with Jesse (Thai food) sunset hike to look-out point (Jack London Peak), staying over with him

the sister of a good buddy of Jesse's was playing music
 at the restaurant

half a moon at sunset from the new London Peak Trail

Day 9: Morning with Jesse...
Jack's room
Jesse and Yehudah
...then onto Coquille for 20 yr. Cob Cottage Company Reunion!

Linda & Ianto

self-portrait with Linda - on our hike with Ianto

Day 10: Cob Cottage Company - rainy day, so, indoor activites, plus sitting by the outdoor Rumsford Stove singing show tunes with Yehudah, evening sharing of memories
Linda's house appeared in "Tiny Houses"




In the Ridge House looking down on a roof covered with daphodils.

Joanie with Michael & Cathy's beautiful kids.
An evening of sharing memories of the beginnings of Cob Cottage Company

Michael and Justin

Day 11: Sunny Day after a day of rain!  Hike led by Ianto Evans, lunch, drive home

rain forest

Ianto, Linda, and Red Cedar

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cascade down a mossy cliff face

First Trilliums

Michael and Tomo

lunch! great food thanks to Vincent & Logan

tender moment

Tomo in Birthday Hat!

Dinner: Stopped to have dinner with Melody Henricks and Larry and Braeden Dillenbeck in Salem