


Sunday, December 11, 2011

12/11/11: Final Day in Portland!

Today is our final day in Portland! The butterflies are in my stomach right now, but in a few days, we'll be seeing them flitting from flower to flower.
The weather is cloudy, damp and penetratingly chilly. It's frustrating knowing that right above the sun is shining. It's warmer on Mt. Hood at +5000' elevation than down here in the valley! We had two sunny days this week as just a hint of how beautiful it would be without the thermal inversion. Temperatures got up to 47!
Out the window, our hummingbird visitor is feasting and I'll refill the feeders one last time with hopes that our housemates will follow up and refill it once a week.
In a bit. we'll drive over to SE to have a meeting with the folks we'll be meeting up with for the project in Nicaragua. We are meeting with 3 others from Havurah Shalom who were just down in the village and get their report.
Our trip is coming together with reservations here and there and more information flooding in from friends who have recently visited these countries as well as CouchSurfers who Joanie has contacted. We'll have plenty of time to look over Guidebooks on the day long journey tomorrow.
Wish us well as we do to all of you.

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