


Monday, December 26, 2011

12-26-2011 Heading up to Managua

Most of our morning was spent carefully going through our stuff in hopes of sending some things home after our week in the village. At least Joanie was doing this. I plan on doing it tonight. So I ran out and got another little container of yogurt and made a smoothie with the last of our huge papaya we´ve been eating off of all week.

We finally got out and went to the El Convento Museum which had only one room devoted to the saints. The first room had a lovely, colorful selection of primitive realistic paintings from the regions around Granada and some representative of famous battles in Nicaragua. There was a model of the cith of Granada, a huge display of pre-Columbian statues, a lifesize representation of games that were played by the ancient peoples from the region. When we walked out, we got our first, clear sighting of Volcano Mombacho. We went on to have a Mexican lunch and then a tour of the Coco (Chocolate) Museum which is in a building that also houses a spa and numerous modern works of art. One was so similar to the one we had just seen in the primitive selection.

Photos from Granada

Apoyo Lagoon - Crater Lake with Salsa music

Another view of the Lagoon

El Tigre

It was getting hot and about time to get to the bus station. We said our good-byes at the Posada, slung out backpacks on, and hiked up to the bus. It was seamless and within an hour we were in a taxi headed in a very circuatous route to the NGO Asociacion Fenix office. Caitlyn, our Green Empowerment guide and born and bred Portlanders, has arrived shortly before us. Now we´re uploading all the photos from the last week in hopes of posting them for your visual pleasure. The rest of our group for the Service Project will arrive by bus and plane this evening.

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