Yehudah: I was awakened by an insistent chattering outside our window. We're on the second floor so it had to be a bird or what? I managed to catch several glimpses of an olingo moving from tree to tree. He seemed to be scolding the guy cleaning the pool in the early morning sun. When I tried to get on the veranda to photograph him I made too much noise and he disappeared, though the Harbor Reef cat was out there to greet me. We had seen several Howler Monkeys in the same trees the morning after we arrived. Check it out:
The rest of the morning was spent under a cabana that somesurfers had no doubt put together. It was the perfect spot with just enough shade until about noon when it got too hot and the wind died down. Under our little thatched roof we read about Nicaraguan history and culture, the tricks of getting over the border from public buses, studied a bit of Spanish, dipped into the surf, watched and photographed Joanie's nephew surfing
We got our tickets for our ride back to San Jose with a $10 fee added on by the taxi driver. (It would have cost $30 to have him drive us so I guess we got a bargain in a location where bargains are few and far between)
Joanie here: Went to the organic food store to buy avocado and sardines; made sandwiches with the wonderful dark rye we had purchased earlier. finished lunch with a passionfruit & ginger smoothie made with water plus Yo bought a chocolate cookie. We checked out where the bus stop is - quite a walk at midday with our packs. Maybe it won't be so hot tomorrow.

Walking in the dark we followed Richard to an excellent Italian restaurant. We have had a fish dinner each evening we have been here. This one was sea bass with mussels. The stars were brilliant as we walked back to Harbor Reef and so we stopped by the beach to get a clear view of the night sky, the milky way and a million stars. Yehudah found Orion and I was just dazzled by all the brilliance. We spied several animals scurrying in our path - perhaps a skunk, maybe a bat, could have been an owl. Back in our room a musician was continuing to play guitar and sing at the restaurant close to our room.
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