


Friday, January 24, 2014



Yashaal at breakfast
Nabugoye Hill Gate

Rabbi Gershom and daughter Daphna swinging the youngest child

Tehillah with her sister, a teacher at Hadassah Primary School

Family Photo (Matan is sleeping)

Family Photo with Yehudah & Joanie

Joanie & Yehudah with Yashaal

We left the Abayudaya community early this morning and are sitting in a bus in Kenya on our way to a town north of Nairobi.

We were so sad to leave the Abayudaya community.  The night before Yehudit, age 13, said to her mother that she couldn't say goodby because she was crying about our leaving, so she went to stay with her auntie. Her Mom, Tehilla, cried as well, and we hugged many times.  Israel drove us all the way to the border, an hours drive, and walked us through all the immigration stuff and got us on a luxury Kenyan bus.  The rabbis wife said we couldn't leave and said that no one had ever come with our skills. (She also said to sit near the front of the bus, but, unfortunately, we didn't and, between the concrete humps to slow traffic and the potholes, we feel we were on a bucking bronco for 5 hours!)

We did CL trainings and dance circles for about 200 people in all, several groups multiple times.
I made copies of the book on my computer and sent it to multiple people, in the hope that they will continue practicing the skills.  Aaron Kintu Moses, to whom we gave a hard copy book has been avidly reading it the whole time we have been on site.  He will also make copies and hopefully bring it to his teaching staff.

Yehudah bought much needed supplies for sanitation and infection control, made signs and put them in plastic, posted them, in the Tobin Medical Clinic.  The doctor and nurses were very excited that he followed through and completed his proposed project.

We deeply thank all of you who supported our efforts in both Rwanda and Uganda.

We found b'nai mitzvah buddies for Dov & Elisha, Miko and Isaac.  Hopefully Aaron will find a buddies for the remaining kids.

D'vorah is buddies with Dov & Elisha
Yehudit is buddies with Miko

Moshe is buddies with Isaac
This trip has more so firmed up our desire to seek consistent support for those children in the community in need so they complete their schooling through to gainful employment.

P'nai Or Sponsored Orphans attending Abayudaya Schools

Got off in Nakuru, where Solo, a CouchSurfing connection and a tour operator of two months, met us, the sweetest man.  He got us a place to stay, took us to one of the largest craters in the world, Menengai Crater, where we hiked with a guide.  Cooler than we expected.


Went to a wi-fi place, very modern, with expensive Western style food, and, of course, the wi-fi worked for just awhile, but enough to send off some emails, and planned the day for tomorrow.  Need to get up at 5:30 am again to meet the tour guide at 7 am at the gate of Nakuru Park, hopefully a great place as it is expensive, in the realm of $100 per person for gringos.

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